Błagam, przetłumaczcie na angielski. pilnie potrzebne !!!
Cześć Kasiu,
piszę do Ciebie z tego powodu, że nie pojawiłam się na spotkaniu klasowym. Przepraszam Cię za to bardzo, ale niestety nie mogłam, miałam ważną sprawę do załatwienia. Następnym razem obiecuję, że przyjdę. Bardzo bym chciała się z Toba zobaczyć.
I am writing to you on the ground that it did not appear at a meeting of the class. Sorry you for doing so much, but unfortunately I could not, I had an important matter to attend to. Next time I promise that I will come. I'd love to be with you to see.
I am writing to you on the ground that it did not appear at a meeting of the class. Sorry you for doing so much, but unfortunately I could not, I had an important matter to attend to. Next time I promise that I will come. I'd love to be with you to see.
Yours Ania
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Hi Kasia I am writing to you on the ground that it did not appear at a meeting of the class. Sorry you for doing so much, but unfortunately I could not, I had an important matter to attend to. Next time I promise that I will come. I'd love to be with you to see. kiss ania
I am writing to you on the ground that it did not appear at a meeting of the class. Sorry you for doing so much, but unfortunately I could not, I had an important matter to attend to. Next time I promise that I will come. I'd love to be with you to see.
Yours Ania
Mogę prosić o naj ;]]
I am writing to you on the ground that it did not appear at a meeting of the class. Sorry you for doing so much, but unfortunately I could not, I had an important matter to attend to. Next time I promise that I will come. I'd love to be with you to see.
Yours Ania
I am writing to you on the ground that it did not appear at a meeting of the class. Sorry you for doing so much, but unfortunately I could not, I had an important matter to attend to. Next time I promise that I will come. I'd love to be with you to see.
kiss ania