Napisz zakończenie historyjki tak 5 - 8 zdań jak nie da rady to może być mniej :)
In 2012 year, when I was sixteen years old I went to Spain for my holidays. I went with my Parents.
One night in the middle of the holidays, we were in a restaurant. We were eating chicken and drinking cola. At that moment a man came into the restaurant. He was wearing a green shirt and blau trousers. He had a stick in his hand, We were very nervous and we decided to go.
Tłumaczenie :
W 2012 roku, kiedy miałem szesnaście lat pojechałem do Hiszpanii na wakacji. Byłem tam z rodzicami.
Pewnej nocy w środku wakacji, byliśmy w restauracji. Jedliśmy kurczaka i piliśmy cole. W tym momenciedo restauracji wszedł mężczyzna. Był ubrany w zieloną koszulę i niebieskie spodnie. Miał kij w ręku, Byliśmy bardzo zdenerwowani i postanowiliśmy iść.
Dzieki daje naj :)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Then we went to home. I ate a supper and next I went to sleep. In the morninig, when I woke up, I saw I am alone at home. My parents was gone. I called to them, but they aren't picking up. I was so scared. Suddenly my parents went out from wardrobe. It was a joke. They wanted scary me, I thought this crazy man with stick grabed them! It was not funny.