BŁAGAM POMOCY ! Napisz e mail po angielsku w którym napiszesz : -do przyjaciela z USA -wyjaśnij dlaczego teraz rzadziej z nim piszesz -opisz charakter nowej poznanej ci osoby -opowiedz jak spędzasz z nim czas ! PROSZE ! PROSZE ! BŁAGAM ! DAJE 20punktów
Hi Ola, How are you? I'm sorry for not writing to you for so long but I had to study for my tests (zmienilam troche, bo po angielsku nie ma takiego wyrazenia jak "poprawiac oceny"). I would like to tell you that I have found myself a boyfriend! I've been going out with him for some time now and so I don't have much free time. My boyfriend is very honest and sensitive, he always knows how to cheer me up and is very good-looking. I usually go for a walk in the park with him and we tell each other stories but we also go to the cinema sometimes. Anyways, tell me how you've been doing? Any news? Love, XYZ
How are you? I'm sorry for not writing to you for so long but I had to study for my tests (zmienilam troche, bo po angielsku nie ma takiego wyrazenia jak "poprawiac oceny"). I would like to tell you that I have found myself a boyfriend! I've been going out with him for some time now and so I don't have much free time. My boyfriend is very honest and sensitive, he always knows how to cheer me up and is very good-looking. I usually go for a walk in the park with him and we tell each other stories but we also go to the cinema sometimes.
Anyways, tell me how you've been doing? Any news?