BŁAGAM O SZYBKĄ ODP! Jesteś w trakcie remontu swojego pokoju Napisz e-mail do znajomego z Anglii w którym: -podasz, jak chcesz odnowić swój pokój, -informujesz, jak chcesz odnowić siej pokój, -poprosisz znajomego o opinię na temat i zaprosisz go do siebie po zakończonym remoncie.
I'm redecorating my bedroom. I want to renew it because I am older and the pink color is not for me. The more so because I have already collected money for its renovation. I want to change the color for gray and swap furniture. The panels will stay because they are nice. It will also be my large wardrobe because it does not pay to buy a new one. Maybe I'll finally convince my mom and have a TV. What do you think? Maybe you would like to come after the renovation?
I'm redecorating my bedroom. I want to renew it because I am older and the pink color is not for me. The more so because I have already collected money for its renovation. I want to change the color for gray and swap furniture. The panels will stay because they are nice. It will also be my large wardrobe because it does not pay to buy a new one. Maybe I'll finally convince my mom and have a TV. What do you think? Maybe you would like to come after the renovation?