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Hip-hop – ruch kulturowy i gatunek muzyczny powstały w Nowym Jorku w Stanach Zjednoczonych we wczesnych latach 70. XX wieku, zainicjowany przez Afroamerykanów i Latynosów. Od momentu powstania w nowojorskiej dzielnicy Bronx hip-hop rozprzestrzenił się na całym świecie.
Cztery główne elementy hip-hopu to rapowanie, graffiti, taniec breakdance i DJing. Pozostałe elementy to moda i slang hip-hopowy oraz beatbox.
Hip-hop - the movement of cultural and musical genre born in New York in the United States in the early 70s Twentieth century, initiated by African Americans and Hispanics.Since its inception in New York City's Bronx hip-hop has spread around the world.The four main elements of hip-hop are rap, graffiti, breakdancing and DJing dance.Other elements this the fashion, slang of hip-hop and beatbox.
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Hip-hop- it is a cultural movement and a kind of music, which came into existance in New York, USA in early 70's of the XX century. It was initiated by Afro-Americans and Latino. Hip-hop spread all over the world from the moment it came into being in the Bronx district. There are four main elements of hip-hop: rapping, graffiti, breakdance and Djing. Other characteristic elements are fashion and hip-hop or beatbox slang.
There are four main elements of hip-hop: rapping, graffiti, breakdance and Djing. Other characteristic elements are fashion and hip-hop or beatbox slang.