Książka pearson ,,Focus 2'' (second edition a2+/b1) (W skrócie) Napisz email do koleżanki o tym ze w tym semestrze jesteś na wymianie uczniowskiej w Wielkiej Brytanii. W emailu napisz: *wyjaśnij, gdzie jesteś, i wyraź opinie o tym miejscu *opowiedz o rodzinie, u której przebywasz *opisz koleżankę z nowej szkoły *napisz, jak ci minął poprzedni weekend Od 80 do 130 słów. (JAK SPAM TO ZGŁASZAM ODPOWIEDZ)
This semester I am on a student change in United Kindom to London. I’m so excited! I just got here few weeks ago, and it’s awesome. My host family is really kind, they even made me some polish food. I’ve got a new friend too! Her name is Sarah, and she likes rollerskates and singing, just like me. This weekend I was seeing the sights. I rode with the London eye. At first it was a bit scary, but It was worth it. I saw the Buckingham palace, Big Ben and many other very interesting places. Have you seen them? Write as soon as possible!
This semester I am on a student change in United Kindom to London. I’m so excited! I just got here few weeks ago, and it’s awesome. My host family is really kind, they even made me some polish food. I’ve got a new friend too! Her name is Sarah, and she likes rollerskates and singing, just like me. This weekend I was seeing the sights. I rode with the London eye. At first it was a bit scary, but It was worth it. I saw the Buckingham palace, Big Ben and many other very interesting places. Have you seen them? Write as soon as possible!
*twoje imie*