September 2023 2 16 Report
Ayudamen a traducir todo eso en español :. am writing to request membership in your club My friend Tracy is a member of your club from quite a long time and I am also interested in being part opit Since I am new in the city. I do not have many friends I visited your club with my friend and I am impressed with the attending film events and film industry interactions you all have. It is amazing to see the participation, and the best part is that by the end of the dayl had made friends with many of them I want to be a member of FILMCLUB in Wales. I also want to be an active participant in all the activities I would request you to give me a chance to be a member of your club. I am sure I can provide my experiences ideas and can be of help to your team I hope you consider my request and thank you for you time and consideration Yours sincerely Some Chaus​

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