1. one thousand, four hundred and sixty.
2. thirteen thousand, nine hundred and fifty-six.
3. forty two thousand, seven hundred and twenty three.
4. one million and seventy-five thousand, two hundred and ninety.
5. three million and ninety-seven thousand, six hundred and fifty-four.
6. sixty-six million and nine hundred and seventy-six thousand, two hundred and one.
7. nineteen million and two.
8. seven hundred and sixty million, six hundred fifty-four thousand, two hundred and twenty-two
9. one billion, three hundred and one.
10. nine trillion, ninety-nine billion, one billion, nine thousand and one.
Cualquier duda desde di/s/c/o/r/d, usuario: Shiine#3288. g/r/a/t/i/s jajaj
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. one thousand, four hundred and sixty.
2. thirteen thousand, nine hundred and fifty-six.
3. forty two thousand, seven hundred and twenty three.
4. one million and seventy-five thousand, two hundred and ninety.
5. three million and ninety-seven thousand, six hundred and fifty-four.
6. sixty-six million and nine hundred and seventy-six thousand, two hundred and one.
7. nineteen million and two.
8. seven hundred and sixty million, six hundred fifty-four thousand, two hundred and twenty-two
9. one billion, three hundred and one.
10. nine trillion, ninety-nine billion, one billion, nine thousand and one.
Cualquier duda desde di/s/c/o/r/d, usuario: Shiine#3288. g/r/a/t/i/s jajaj