2: goes to school... azul
Seven o'clock in the morning... rojo
3: eat lunch azul
one o'clock in the afternoon... rojo
4: sometimes... rojo
el resto en azul
5: always... rojo
6: weekends... rojo
el resto azul (menos he)
7: sometimes... rojo
espero te sirva
espero mi coronita
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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2: goes to school... azul
Seven o'clock in the morning... rojo
3: eat lunch azul
one o'clock in the afternoon... rojo
4: sometimes... rojo
el resto en azul
5: always... rojo
el resto en azul
6: weekends... rojo
el resto azul (menos he)
7: sometimes... rojo
el resto azul (menos he)
espero te sirva
espero mi coronita