Terjemahkan teks berikut ini ke dalam bahasa Inggris! Dan berikan anotasi (penjelasan tambahan) pada tiga bagian yang bergaris bawahi! Dalam Peraturan Pemerintah ini yang dimaksud dengan: 1. Anak angkat adalah anak yang haknya dialihkan dari lingkungan kekuasaan keluarga orang tua, wali yang sah, atau orang lain yang bertanggung jawab atas perawatan, pendidikan, dan membesarkan anak tersebut, ke dalam lingkungan keluarga orang tua angkatnya berdasarkan keputusan atau penetapan pengadilan. 2. Pengangkatan anak adalah suatu perbuatan hukum yang mengalihkan seorang anak dari lingkungan kekuasaan orang tua, wali yang sah, atau orang lain yang bertanggung jawab atas perawatan, pendidikan dan membesarkan anak tersebut, ke dalam lingkungan keluarga orang tua angkat. 3. Orang tua adalah ayah dan/atau ibu kandung, atau ayah dan/atau ibu tiri, atau ayah dan/atau ibu angkat. 4. Orang tua angkat adalah orang yang diberi kekuasaan untuk merawat, mendidik, dan membesarkan anak berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan dan adat kebiasaan. 5. Lembaga pengasuhan anak adalah lembaga atau organisasi sosial atau yayasan yang berbadan hukum yang menyelenggarakan pengasuhan anak terlantar dan telah mendapat izin dari Menteri untuk melaksanakan proses pengangkatan anak.
Please translate the following text into English! And provide annotations (additional explanations) for the three underlined parts! In this Government Regulation, the following are meant by: 1. Adopted child is a child whose rights are transferred from the environment under the authority of the natural parents, legal guardian, or other person responsible for the care, education, and upbringing of the child, into the environment of the adoptive parents based on a court decision or determination. 2. Adoption is a legal act that transfers a child from the environment under the authority of the natural parents, legal guardian, or other person responsible for the care, education, and upbringing of the child, into the environment of the adoptive parents. 3. Parents are the biological father and/or mother, or the stepfather and/or stepmother, or the adoptive father and/or adoptive mother. 4. Adoptive parents are individuals who are given the authority to care for, educate, and raise a child based on laws and customs. 5. Child care institutions are legal entities, social institutions, or foundations that provide care for abandoned children and have obtained permission from the Minister to carry out the process of child adoption.
1. Anak angkat (adopted child) - refers to a child whose custody and upbringing are transferred from their biological parents or legal guardians to adoptive parents based on a court decision or determination.
2. Pengangkatan anak (adoption) - the legal process of transferring a child's custody and upbringing from their biological parents or legal guardians to adoptive parents.
3. Orang tua (parents) - includes biological parents, step-parents, or adoptive parents.
4. Orang tua angkat (adoptive parents) - individuals who have been granted legal authority to care for, educate, and raise a child through laws and customs.
5. Lembaga pengasuhan anak (child care institutions) - legal entities or social organizations that are authorized to provide care for abandoned children and have obtained permission from the Minister to carry out the child adoption process.
Please translate the following text into English! And provide annotations (additional explanations) for the three underlined parts! In this Government Regulation, the following are meant by: 1. Adopted child is a child whose rights are transferred from the environment under the authority of the natural parents, legal guardian, or other person responsible for the care, education, and upbringing of the child, into the environment of the adoptive parents based on a court decision or determination. 2. Adoption is a legal act that transfers a child from the environment under the authority of the natural parents, legal guardian, or other person responsible for the care, education, and upbringing of the child, into the environment of the adoptive parents. 3. Parents are the biological father and/or mother, or the stepfather and/or stepmother, or the adoptive father and/or adoptive mother. 4. Adoptive parents are individuals who are given the authority to care for, educate, and raise a child based on laws and customs. 5. Child care institutions are legal entities, social institutions, or foundations that provide care for abandoned children and have obtained permission from the Minister to carry out the process of child adoption.
1. Anak angkat (adopted child) - refers to a child whose custody and upbringing are transferred from their biological parents or legal guardians to adoptive parents based on a court decision or determination.
2. Pengangkatan anak (adoption) - the legal process of transferring a child's custody and upbringing from their biological parents or legal guardians to adoptive parents.
3. Orang tua (parents) - includes biological parents, step-parents, or adoptive parents.
4. Orang tua angkat (adoptive parents) - individuals who have been granted legal authority to care for, educate, and raise a child through laws and customs.
5. Lembaga pengasuhan anak (child care institutions) - legal entities or social organizations that are authorized to provide care for abandoned children and have obtained permission from the Minister to carry out the child adoption process.