Napisz pytania. Uzyj Present Simple Wzor: 1.Where / you / live ? - Where DO you live ? 2.your school / have got / a canteen ? 3.What time / you / get up? 4.your teacher / wear glasses? 5.Who / you / sit next to in class? 6.What / you and your friends / do /at the weekend?
2. Does your school have a canteen?
Has your school got a canteen? - obie formy poprawne, ale jak zaczynasz od 'does' to pomijasz 'got' po have . - Czy Twoja szkoła ma stołówkę?
3. What time do you get up? - o której wstajesz?
4. Does your teacher wear glasses? - Czy Twój nauczyciel/nauczycielka nosi okulary?
5. Who do you sit next to in class? - Obok kogo siedziesz w klasie?
6. What do you and your friends do at the weeends? - Co Ty i Twoi przyjaciele robicie w weekend?