September 2018 1 48 Report

1.Trzeba użyć odpowiedniej formy

-Mark and Marion live here.This his/their house.

-My favourite subject is art.I love it/him

-Paul rang his/her grandmother.

-Me/my brother likes playing computer games

-She/he does her homework at four o'clock every day.

-Please give me/I the basketball

We're going to the cinema with our/us friends tonight

-have you lost you/your bag?

2.write the words in the correct order

-togerher/go/shopping and often/Hilary/mum/her

-school/doesn't /at/have usually/lunch/she

-is/Tony/always/after/hungry/football training


-is/brother/at never/my night/on/home/Saturday

-usually/I birthday/my/with/family/celebrate/my

-frends/my/and I/exams/our for always revise

-morning the Suzanna/in/breakfast/ears/never

3.Write questions

-your brother/wear/glasses?

-the film/be/scary?

-how often/you/clean your teeth?

-how many CDs /he/have got?


-what time/you/have lunch?

-you/be/interested in insects?

4.Correct the sentences/

-is your mother photographer?

-My dog has got eyes brown.

-My friend Hans is German.Is living in Scotland now.

-He enjoys the shopping.

-Great Britain is famous for its weather bad

-Picasso was Spanish artist.

-The DVDs are expensive.but videos aren't.

-My father he is from Wales

-I think is interesting to talk to people from different countries.

-I want to be doctor.

6.correct the sentences.Use the present continuous.

-Why they sitting on the teacher's desk

-He's danceing with my girlfriend

7.Complete the sentence.Use the P.simple or the p.continouous

-This party is fun.WE/have/a good time!

-He always/speak/very quietly


Teresa/have/a piano lesson once a week

-he /get up/at seven o'clock every morning.

Proszę o pomoc:)

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Te wszystkie zadania sa z czasu PAST RERFECT SIMPLE1.zakreśl własciwa formę czasownika-When Joan met/had met Tina at the party, she thought/ had thought that she saw/had seen her somewhere before.-Peter got off/ had got off the bus and walked/ had walked into the post office when he realized/ had realized that he left/had left his backpack on the bus-when I chose/had chosen my new MP3 player I noticed/had noticed that it was/ had been too expensive-I went/had gone to the repair shop to ask about my computer,but they said/had said that it wasn't/hadn't been repaired yet2.Uzupełnij drugie zdanie tak by znaczyło to samo co pierwsze. uzyj nie wiecej niz 3 wyrazy 1. BArry was sure his keys were not in his pocket.barry was sure.................his keys2. We massed the train so we took a cab we took a cab because.................... the train3.the window was broken and the teacher suspected me.The teacher suspected that ............. the window4. we moved to a new house and then we bought a dog.we bought a dog when........... to a new house5. I thought I knew that film but i was wrongI thought............ the film before, but i hadn'tprzykład;we arrived at Sue's house but she wasn't there anymore. when we arrived at sue's house,she..had already left.........3,znajdz i popraw błą w uzyciu czasów gramatycznych-when i got into bed i had fallen asleep immediately-while i was looking for my passport i realized i left it at home-we had moved to out new house five years ago.-when we had ate breakfast, we had gone to school -maria used to live in spin when she had been a child-ben had rang Tilda after he had heard the news about her father to są zadania z repetytorium z testami macmillan gimnazjum str. 230,231 zad 1,3,4 help
Te wszystkie zadania sa z czasu PAST RERFECT SIMPLE1.zakreśl własciwa formę czasownika-When Joan met/had met Tina at the party, she thought/ had thought that she saw/had seen her somewhere before.-Peter got off/ had got off the bus and walked/ had walked into the post office when he realized/ had realized that he left/had left his backpack on the bus-when I chose/had chosen my new MP3 player I noticed/had noticed that it was/ had been too expensive-I went/had gone to the repair shop to ask about my computer,but they said/had said that it wasn't/hadn't been repaired yet2.Uzupełnij drugie zdanie tak by znaczyło to samo co pierwsze. uzyj nie wiecej niz 3 wyrazy1. BArry was sure his keys were not in his pocket.barry was sure.................his keys2. We massed the train so we took a cabwe took a cab because.................... the train3.the window was broken and the teacher suspected me.The teacher suspected that ............. the window4. we moved to a new house and then we bought a dog.we bought a dog when........... to a new house5. I thought I knew that film but i was wrongI thought............ the film before, but i hadn'tprzykład;we arrived at Sue's house but she wasn't there anymore.when we arrived at sue's house,she..had already left.........3,znajdz i popraw błą w uzyciu czasów gramatycznych-when i got into bed i had fallen asleep immediately-while i was looking for my passport i realized i left it at home-we had moved to out new house five years ago.-when we had ate breakfast, we had gone to school-maria used to live in spin when she had been a child-ben had rang Tilda after he had heard the news about her fatherto są zadania z repetytorium z testami macmillan gimnazjumstr. 230,231 zad 1,3,4help

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