Assalamualaikum wr wb Selamat pagi semua Apa kabar? Okey saya disini tidak akan bicara terlalu panjang Saya akan bicara tentang pelanggaran di sekolah ini saya selalu melihat banyak orang meremehkan poin. mereka lebih memilih di poin dari pada di peringati buktinya mereka tidak tau bahwa sering dia melanggar maka itu juga berpengaruh besar bagi nilai rapotnya. hingga bisa bisa sampai dikeluarkan dari sekolah sekian dari saya wabilahitopik walhidayah wasalam mualaikum wr wb tolong ubah semua pidato ini ke pidato bahasa.inggris
Assalamualaikum wr wb Good morning everyone How are you? Okey I am here I will not talk too long I'm going to talk about violations in this school I always see a lot of people underestimate the points.they prefer in points than in commemorating proof they did not know that he often violated then it is also a big influence for rapotnya value. until he could get kicked out of school so much from me wabilahitopik walhidayah wasalam mualaikum wr wb
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Assalamualaikum wr wb Good morning everyone How are you? Okey I am here I will not talk too long I'm going to talk about violations in this school I always see a lot of people underestimate the points. they prefer in points than in commemorating proof they did not know that he often violated then it is also a big influence for rapotnya value. until he could get kicked out of school so much from me wabilahitopik walhidayah wasalam mualaikum wr wb
Good morning everyone
How are you?
Okey I am here I will not talk too long
I'm going to talk about violations in this school I always see a lot of people underestimate the points.they prefer in points than in commemorating
proof they did not know that he often violated then it is also a big influence for rapotnya value.
until he could get kicked out of school so much from me
wabilahitopik walhidayah wasalam mualaikum wr wb
Good morning everyone
How are you?
Okey I am here I will not talk too long
I'm going to talk about violations in this school I always see a lot of people underestimate the points.
they prefer in points than in commemorating
proof they did not know that he often violated then it is also a big influence for rapotnya value.
until he could get kicked out of school so much from me
wabilahitopik walhidayah wasalam mualaikum wr wb
Maaf klu ada yg salah