Asking repitition itu pernyataan untuk mengulang sesuatu asking nya: pardom me, could you repeat again please, would you be louder please, sorry what did you say, sorry i can't hear you, i am sorry i didn't catch what you said responding nya: all right, oke, sure of course, listen it well #semoga bermanfaat
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Asking repetition means you ask someone to repeat what they just said. misalnya kamu sedang mengobrol dengan temanmu dan tdk menyimak baik apa yang dia katakan. kamu pasti akan bilang "maaf,tadi kamu bilang apa?". atau bisa juga terjadi ketika temanmu bicara kurang jelas sehingga kamu memintanya utk mengulangi kalimat yang baru saja diucapkannya.
kalimat yang dapat digunakan utk meminta pengulangan antara lain ; - excuse me? - sorry,what did you say? - can you repeat that? etc...
contoh dialog: Vera: Hey,tomorrow is my brother's birthday. What should I buy for a gift? Nina: Okay how old is he? Vera: Only 5 years old. Nina: I think you should bought him a toy car... Vera: Pardon me? Nina: I said,maybe you should go buy him a toy car. It will makes him happy. Vera: I think so,thanks for your suggestion,Nina!
asking nya: pardom me, could you repeat again please, would you be louder please, sorry what did you say, sorry i can't hear you, i am sorry i didn't catch what you said
responding nya: all right, oke, sure of course, listen it well
#semoga bermanfaat
kalimat yang dapat digunakan utk meminta pengulangan antara lain ;
- excuse me?
- sorry,what did you say?
- can you repeat that?
contoh dialog:
Vera: Hey,tomorrow is my brother's birthday. What should I buy for a gift?
Nina: Okay how old is he?
Vera: Only 5 years old.
Nina: I think you should bought him a toy car...
Vera: Pardon me?
Nina: I said,maybe you should go buy him a toy car. It will makes him happy.
Vera: I think so,thanks for your suggestion,Nina!