Pomozcie napisac pocztowke bardzo prosze odrazu po angielsku
Jestes na wakacjach. Napisz pocztówkę do swoich zagranicznych znajomuch. Uwzględnij w niej nastepujace informacje: gdzie obecnie przebywasz, jak spedzasz czas, co robiles/as wczoraj, kiedy konczy sie twoj pobyt
Dear Jason and Susan, How are you? I'm fine. I've arrived in Rome 4 days ago. It's a marvellous city! I love it because there is so much to do and weather is beautiful. I do lot of sightseeing and I visit Italian restaurants .Yesterday I sew the Pope and went to the Colosseum. Tomorrow I'm coming back home. I can't wait to see you. Love, Maggie
How are you? I'm fine. I've arrived in Rome 4 days ago. It's a marvellous city! I love it because there is so much to do and weather is beautiful. I do lot of sightseeing and I visit Italian restaurants .Yesterday I sew the Pope and went to the Colosseum. Tomorrow I'm coming back home. I can't wait to see you.
Love, Maggie
czy moge prosic o naj? :)