WIADOMOŚĆ NA BLOGU Podjąłeś swoja pierwsza prace w weekendy. na prowadzonym przez ciebie blogu; -poinformuj jaka prace wykonujesz i jakie są twoje obowiązki -napisz jak zdobyłeś/as te prace -wyraz opinie na temat jednego ze swoich kolegów z pracy i uzasadnij ja -napisz w jaki sposób wykorzystasz zarobione pieniądze
Dzięki z góry ;)
I got a part-time job as an administrator. My duties include typing, filing, managing correspondence and emails, answering the phones and doing research for projects.
I found a job advert on and found it quite interesting. Therefore, I decided to apply for it. I got invited for an interview. It went very well as I got this job.
People at my workplace are very nice. I get on very well with Angela. She is friendly and funny. She has a great sense of humour and is really hard-working. She's intelligent and I think that she is very good at what she's doing.
I'm going to save the money that I make and I'll spend it on my holidays next year. I'm planning to travel to Spain, Portugal and Egypt. I can't wait 'till summer. I'm so happy that I got this job.
I found a job advert on and found it quite interesting. Therefore, I decided to apply for it. I got invited for an interview. It went very well as I got this job.
People at my workplace are very nice. I get on very well with Angela. She is friendly and funny. She has a great sense of humour and is really hard-working. She's intelligent and I think that she is very good at what she's doing.
I'm going to save the money that I make and I'll spend it on my holidays next year. I'm planning to travel to Spain, Portugal and Egypt. I can't wait 'till summer. I'm so happy that I got this job.