kolega/ kolezanka z usa prosi cie o wyslanie przepisu na ciekawa potrawe. napisz do niego/ niej wiad., w ktorej.: 1.informujesz jego/ja jaki przepis wybrales/as. 2.wymieniasz skladniki danej potrawy. 3.omawiasz jak nalezy przarzadzic te potrawe. od 50 do 100 słów . ;)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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how you feel,I hopethat as well. Another interestingdish isPavlovawith whippedcream and fruit.Ingredients:6eggprotein1 cupof sugar1 teaspoonred wine vinegar2 teaspoonscornstarch1 packagevanillasugarwith realpinch of saltFor thedecoration:pine nutsin theicingsugar330 mldouble cream1 tbspicing sugara handful offrozen raspberriesHeart-shapedplaquewith parchment paperfor baking.Pourand mixeverything.decorate withraspberries,sprinkle withchoppednutsagainand serve.Thisdishyou can preparefor your loved onebecauseit fitsldealnie.I hopeI helped you.
Forthis I finishmyletter,I hope youwill soonsee.Kisses