Soekarno lahir di Surabaya Jawa Timur 6 Juni seribu sembilan ratus satu .Ia adalah presiden pertama Indonesia ia adalah proklamator kemerdekaan Indonesia ia memainkan peranan penting dalam memerankan bangsa Indonesia dari penjajahan Belanda Soekarno mempunyai Ayah bernama Koesno dan ibunya Raden soekemi
ErefesSukarno was born in Surabaya, East Java, June 6 thousand nine hundred and one .He was the first president of Indonesia, he was proclaimed the independence of Indonesia, he played an important role in the play of the Dutch colonization of Indonesia Soekarno has father named Koesno and mother Raden Soekemi
Soekarno born in Surabaya east java 6 june 1091. he is the first president in Indonesia he is proclaimer Indonesian independence he played an important role in the play of the Dutch colonization of Indonesia Soekarno have father named Koesno and mother named Raden soekemi
Soekarno born in Surabaya east java 6 june 1091. he is the first president in Indonesia he is proclaimer Indonesian independence he played an important role in the play of the Dutch colonization of Indonesia Soekarno have father named Koesno and mother named Raden soekemi