Artikan ke bahasa inggris Pada saat itu saya dan teman teman kelas 92 mendapat tugas resensi. Tugas itu dikumpulkan paling lambat bulan depan . lalu saya pergi kewarnet untuk menyelesaikan tugas tersebut . saya sengaja membuat 2 tugas . pada saat hari senin saya ingin mengumpulkanya tapi saya ragu . lalu teman ku icha berkata "sudahlah kumpulkan saja ayo aku antar kedepa" .lalu teman ku mengantarkan ku tetapi aku tidak mengumpulkanya . tetapi aku menaruh tugas itu dibawah meja ku. Namun pada saat bel pulang berbunyi , tugasku tidak ada dibawah meja ,lalu aku bertanya kepada icha apa dia melihatnya. Lalu dia menjawab bukan kah kau sudah mengumpulkanya . entahlah aku benar benar lupa. Jadi kupikir tugasku sudah dikumpulkan . saat saya dirumah saya melihat tugas saya satu lagi , saya pikir sudah tak terpakai lalu saya membuangnya . lalu saat bulan depan saya ditanya tentang tugas itu ,dan saya kebingungan ,dan ternyata saya belum mengumpulkan tugas itu .akhirnya saya membuat ulang tugas itu.
Menurut Saya At that moment my friend and classmate 92 has the task reviewer. The task was collected no later than next month. then I went kewarnet to complete the task. I accidentally made two tasks. on Monday when I want mengumpulkanya but I doubt it. icha then my friend said "come on let me collect only between kedepa" .Then my friend drove me but I did not collect it. but I put the job under my desk. But when the bell rang, my job does not exist under the table, and I asked icha what he saw. Then he answered not whether you've been collecting. I do not know I really forgot. So I think my job has been collected. when I am at home I see my task another one, I thought it was abandoned and then I threw it away. then next month when I asked about the task, and my confusion, and it turns out I do not collect the task Finally I re-create the task.
At that moment my friend and classmate 92 has the task reviewer. The task was collected no later than next month. then I went kewarnet to complete the task. I accidentally made two tasks. on Monday when I want mengumpulkanya but I doubt it. icha then my friend said "come on let me collect only between kedepa" .Then my friend drove me but I did not collect it. but I put the job under my desk. But when the bell rang, my job does not exist under the table, and I asked icha what he saw. Then he answered not whether you've been collecting. I do not know I really forgot. So I think my job has been collected. when I am at home I see my task another one, I thought it was abandoned and then I threw it away. then next month when I asked about the task, and my confusion, and it turns out I do not collect the task Finally I re-create the task.