Artikan dalam bahasa inggris : pada suatu hari nana dan keluarga menyiapkan makanan yg hangat dan enak ,karena mereka akan pergi berlibur besok pagi ke yogyakarta ,mereka bangun pagi pagi setelah itu mempersiapkan barang bawaannya dan berangkat memakai mobil audy setelah sampai diyogyakarta mereka langsung mencari hotel......
One day nana and family who prepare food warm and tasty, because they will go on vacation to Yogyakarta tomorrow morning, they wake up early in the morning after leaving his luggage and prepares to use the car until DIYogyakarta audy after they went straight to the hotel ......
one day nana and family who prepare food warm and tasty, because they will go on vacation to Yogyakarta tomorrow morning, they wake up early in the morning after that to prepare his luggage and set off car wearing DIYogyakarta audy after until they went straight to the hotel. .....
One day nana and family prepare warm food and delicious because they will going to holiday tomorow morning to yogyakarta.they wake up very early,after that prepare they lugage and going use audy car.after arrive at yogyakarta they will looking for hotel