Potrzebuję opisu po angielsku i po polsku jakiegoś miejsca, np. Big Ben , Manhatan czy Patyż itp. Można opisać dowolne z całego świata. Proszę, aby zaczynało się od "My favourite place in the world is/are" i było w nim zawarte dlaczego je lubie (za co ?). Proszę o jego opis - nie zbyt długi i nie za krótki (ok. 5-10 nie długich zdań ).
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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mY FAVORITE PLACE IN THE WORLD IS England. I really like this place because there is a lot of shops, museums and reasturant . there is a lot of people who are very nice . There is a Big ben it's very huge and I feel so small when I looked at him. In Great britan it's a lot of club so I can go with my friends to the disco . In great Britan I can see a Tower bridge. Is the one of the most buildings in all over the world. I really love This country becuase I can sigtseeing a lot of antiques.
My favorite place inthe worldisParis.I chosethis placebecause itis the capitalof fashion.There are manybrand shopsstraightfrom well-knowndesigners.Parishas manyworld famouslandmarkslikethe Eiffel Tower,Notre-Dame Cathedral, Arc de Triomphe.Parisis inhabited by over2 million people.