Apa yang di maksud dengan simple past tense?? dan beri contohnya pada narative text ..... please jawab dng benar soalnya besok ada test english
Simple past tense itu untuk kejadian masa lampau. kalo buat narrative text kita hrs pake simple past tense krn menceritakan kembali pengalaman kita. contoh pd narrative text my family and i went to bandung. went menunjukan simple past tense atad kejadian yg telah terjadi
s. past tense adalh suatu kejadian yang lalu yang menggunakan regular verbs di ujungnya di tambahkan ed, dan irregular verbs merupakan kata kerja yg tidak beraturan. misal past tense help: helped.
Two Wishes on My Way Home
It was a quiet night when I went home from my campus. Unfortunately my tire was torn. I had to bring my motorcycle without riding on it. I felt both sad and scared because I was alone on the street.
Simple past tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian di masa lampau. Cirinya, memakai kata kerja bentuk kedua. misalnya came, visited, lived, etc Pola kalimatnya (+) S+V2+O (-) S+did not+V1+O (?) Did+S+V1+O
contohnya kalau di narrative text : - once upon a time, there lived a kind girl named Yuuki. - But, her stepmother treated her badly. - She walked with the Prince
hahaha :v okay ^_~
makasih juga terbaiknya ^^
coba buat contoh kalimat tanya menurut pola nya simple past tense ini.
(+) Yuuki bought a new pencil yesterday
(-) Yuuki did not buy a new pencil yesterday
(?) Did Yuuki buy a new pencil yesterday?
(+) She walked with the Prince
(-) She didn't walk with the Prince
(?) Did she walk with the Prince?
contoh pd narrative text
my family and i went to bandung.
went menunjukan simple past tense atad kejadian yg telah terjadi
Pola kalimatnya
(+) S+V2+O
(-) S+did not+V1+O
(?) Did+S+V1+O
contohnya kalau di narrative text :
- once upon a time, there lived a kind girl named Yuuki.
- But, her stepmother treated her badly.
- She walked with the Prince
*semoga membantu