Apa itu sugestion, agremeent,disagremeent beserta contohnya
Suggestion adalah saran atau menyarankan,, agreement adalah kesesetujuan,, contohnya "i think so > saya setuju".... dan disagreement adalah tidak setuju.. contoh "i don't think so with you"
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Sugestion itu saran. contohnya: i suggest you to chose the second dress. it looks good for you.
agreement itu persetujuan. contohnya: i agree with your answer. i was thinking about the same thing.
disagreement itu tidak setuju. contohnya: with all my respect, i have to disagree with that.
agreement itu persetujuan. contohnya: i agree with your answer. i was thinking about the same thing.
disagreement itu tidak setuju. contohnya: with all my respect, i have to disagree with that.