Apa bahasa inggrisnya: - setelah mengeras, letakkan nutrijell diatas piring -lalu tuangkan fla dan taburkan remah oreo diatas nutrijel nutrijell coklat oreo siap dihidangkan
- after it's harden, put the nutrijell on a plate - then pour fla and sprinkle oreo's crumbles on top of the nutrijel
oreo chocolate nutrijel is ready to be served
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- After it is hardened, place nutrijell on a plate - then pour the fla on top of the nutrijell - sprinkle oreo crumbs over the nutrijell - Nutrijell chocolate oreo is ready to be served
- then pour fla and sprinkle oreo's crumbles on top of the nutrijel
oreo chocolate nutrijel is ready to be served
- then pour the fla on top of the nutrijell
- sprinkle oreo crumbs over the nutrijell
- Nutrijell chocolate oreo is ready to be served