Apa bahasa inggrisnya "landak yang berjalan dengan sedih sendirian" "kelinci dan tikus yang ketakutan melihat serigala yang makan sesuatu" " Kelinci sedang memperlihatkan teman barunya tikus kepada landak" " Kelinci dan tikus yang ketakutan melihat serigala membuat landak terjatuh"
rabbit and mich who were frigtened by the wolf who ate some thing
Cuman dia yang saya tau dari jawaban di atas ..
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1."the porcupine/hedehog walk sadly alone" 2."Rabbit and mouse which fear saw the wolf which eating something" 3."Rabbit is show it's new friend,mouse to porcupine/hedehog' 4."Rabbit and mouse which fear saw wolf make porcupine/Hedehog fall' I am sorry if me make mistake :)
rabbit and mich who were frigtened by the wolf who ate some thing
Cuman dia yang saya tau dari jawaban di atas ..
2."Rabbit and mouse which fear saw the wolf which eating something"
3."Rabbit is show it's new friend,mouse to porcupine/hedehog'
4."Rabbit and mouse which fear saw wolf make porcupine/Hedehog fall'
I am sorry if me make mistake :)