Apa bahasa inggrisnya 1. buka buku cetak bahasa inggris halaman 60 2. jangan menyontek 3. kerjakan sendiri 4. jangan berbicara terlalu banyak 5. matikan lampu sebelum tidur 6. jangan khawatir bergembiralah 7. jangan injak jempol saya 8. jangan minum terlalu banyak 9. lepaskan saya 10. jangan boroskan uangmu tolong dijawab ya???ppllliiisss.
1. Open the english book on page 60 2. Don't cheating 3. Do it yourself 4. Don't talk too much 5. Turn off the light before you sleep 6. Don't worry be happy 7. Don't tread my thumb 8. Don't drink too much 9. Get me off! 10. Don't waste your money
1. Open textbooks english page sixty (60) 2. Do not cheated 3. Do yourself 4.Don't talk too much 5.Turn off the lamp before sleep (or before going to bed) 6. Don't worry be happy 7. Don't step on my thumb 8. Do not drink too much 9. remove me or let me go 10. Don't waste your money
2. Don't cheating
3. Do it yourself
4. Don't talk too much
5. Turn off the light before you sleep
6. Don't worry be happy
7. Don't tread my thumb
8. Don't drink too much
9. Get me off!
10. Don't waste your money
2. Do not cheated
3. Do yourself
4.Don't talk too much
5.Turn off the lamp before sleep (or before going to bed)
6. Don't worry be happy
7. Don't step on my thumb
8. Do not drink too much
9. remove me or let me go
10. Don't waste your money