Apa anda pikir kita bisa melakukan dan mematuhi aturan-aturan sekolah? beri tanggapan dan harapan
Do you think we can do and obey the rules of the school? give feedback and hope.
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Jawabannya :My expectations of the rules of the school may be adhered to by all students. my response, please do not be too many rules.
do you find any difficult when you want to change uniform to sport uniform? give feedback and hope
Denesaelcapertanyaan : Do you think we can do and obey the rules of the school? give feedback and hope
jawaban : Menurut saya,kita bisa melakukan dan mematuhi peraturan-peraturan sekolah. Sebenarnya kita wajib melakukan dan mematuhi peraturan-peraturan yang positif disekolah. Hal itu diwajibkan agar membentuk karakter dan sifat kita. Kalau kita mematuhi peraturan tersebut otomatis kita akan menjadi disiplin. Makanya, jika tidak mematuhi peraturan harus dikenakan denda atau hukuman. Karena jika diberikan hukuman atau denda otomatis kita akan menghindari hukuman atau denda dan berusaha menjalankann peraturan tersebut. Dan harapan saya, semua siswa bahkan semua orang wajib melakukan aturan-aturan agar menciptakan kedamaian dan kedisiplinan.
I think we can do and obey school rules. Actually, we are obliged to perform and comply with regulations that positive school. It was obliged to form our character and nature. If we comply, we will automatically be disciplined. So, if it does not comply with regulations should be subject to fines or penalties. Because if given penalties or fines we will automatically avoid penalties or fines and trying menjalankann regulations. And my expectations, all students are required to perform even all the rules in order to create peace and discipline.
Do you think we can do and obey the rules of the school? give feedback and hope
jawaban :
Menurut saya,kita bisa melakukan dan mematuhi peraturan-peraturan sekolah. Sebenarnya kita wajib melakukan dan mematuhi peraturan-peraturan yang positif disekolah. Hal itu diwajibkan agar membentuk karakter dan sifat kita. Kalau kita mematuhi peraturan tersebut otomatis kita akan menjadi disiplin. Makanya, jika tidak mematuhi peraturan harus dikenakan denda atau hukuman. Karena jika diberikan hukuman atau denda otomatis kita akan menghindari hukuman atau denda dan berusaha menjalankann peraturan tersebut. Dan harapan saya, semua siswa bahkan semua orang wajib melakukan aturan-aturan agar menciptakan kedamaian dan kedisiplinan.
I think we can do and obey school rules. Actually, we are obliged to perform and comply with regulations that positive school. It was obliged to form our character and nature. If we comply, we will automatically be disciplined. So, if it does not comply with regulations should be subject to fines or penalties. Because if given penalties or fines we will automatically avoid penalties or fines and trying menjalankann regulations. And my expectations, all students are required to perform even all the rules in order to create peace and discipline.