October 2018 2 10 Report


Zad.1 Wstaw a, an, lub some i określ czy są to rzeczowniki policzalne (P) czy nie policzalne (N),

1. ...................... coffee

2. ...................... tomatoes

3. ...................... tea

4. ...................... biscuit

5. ...................... sugar

6. ...................... potato

7. ...................... apples

8. ...................... sausage

9. ...................... cheese

10. ..................... egg

Zad.2 Uzupełnij zdania,

1. We need .............. milk and .............. bananas to make a smoothie.

2. I like ............. honey in my tea.

3. We don't need ............. strawberries because we have got ............... raspberries.

4. This is ............ book in which we can find ........... great receipe.

5. Today we've got ............ baked potato with ............. mushrooms and ................. carrots. There is also ................ chicken and ............... sausage.

6. There is .............. pasta in the cupboard. Let's make spaghetti.

7. There isn't ........... water or ............... juice in the fridge. We haven't also got .............. cola.

8. We need ............ orange, .............. limes, ................. apple, ................... kiwis and .............. yoghut.

9. I hate beans. Let's eat ............ peas and ............ carrots.

10. We haven't got ............. egg for breakfast.

11. You haven't add ............. salt and ............... pepper.

12. We haven't got ............... tomatoes but we've got .............. brocolli.

13. We need .................. watermelon, .............. strawberries and ............... raspberries.

14. I'd like ............. bread with .................. cheese and ................ ham. I like sandwiches.

15. There isn't ............... milk but we have got .............. mug of yoghurt.

16. Have you got ............. pasta?

Life Enjoy

" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "

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