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Daintree Rainforest, Australia
Daintreeis the oldestrainforestin the world,beautiful,lushand veryexotic.There you canexplore thejungle, ancientcavesfilled withskylightsand relax in thefamousresortlocated in themiddle of the forestDaintree EcoLodge andSpa.
This forestcameto mein the eyeand I want togo onthistripto a place
Notripto Siberiais not reallycompletewithout a visit toLake Baikal.In turn,notrip toLake Baikalis not completewithoutseeingOlchonIslands.Same routetothe beautifullakeis not the easiest,because itis110kmto overcome,so be sure tobook a"bit"of time.
SamLake Baikal,about whicheach of ustodiligently studiedgeographyin school,alakelocatedin the far eastof Russia,Siberiaand more.A bitnumbersto presentthe majestyof thisbody of water- this is notthe largest lake,forit isthe deepestof them -1,800 metersdepthis impressiveevenforthe largestamateurdiving.It is also theoldestlake,because itisabout 2500 years, and in addition, it is areservoircontaining 25%fresh wateraround theglobe.Can you imagine?Quarteredfresh watercollected inonlyonelake!
The verywayofIrkutsk,which is agood base, it istrulyoverwhelmingexperience.Driving110kmroutetraverse ina minimum of 8hours,we can seethrough the windowa thick pine forest.Then thecoachreportstothe ferry, whichthe goal is theKhuzir, sothe maintownon the Isle ofOlchon.The roadbecomes more and morebumpy,but that does notalienatedrivers whospeedin the majority,rather thanslow downand driveat leasta littlesafer.Thusthe wayis not reallylong, andis full of"experience".Khuziris anothermilestoneon the way toLake Baikal, whichin principleincludeallwho want tosee thegreatbody of water.The town itselfis not impressivetourist attractions,because there aresuddenly2-3shops,several majorintersections,who walkedthe streets ofthe cow(!), AndInnatNikita, whois a good placeto strengthen theforcesagainst furtherjourney.Beingon an islandyou can rent aminibusspecific,withfour-wheel drivethat is notenough thatmeets themost important function-runs,itstillprovides agoodimpressionasto theline at theamusement park!
This forestcameto mein the eyeand I want togo onthistripto a place!
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