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Fire, fire brigade formerly - an organized formation dealing with the prevention and fight against fires and other dangers (other than a crime) for health and human life, livelihoods and the environment. The tasks of the fire department should also remove the effects of natural disasters and catastrophes.
Some companies in the course of his works organized fire brigades, including airport fire brigade, fire brigade etc. RailwayFor special tasks performed by fire department rescue should be:
biological (which amounted to neutralize infectious agents and the protection of people and livestock during a terrorist attack using biological weapons),
chemicals (which amounted to neutralize the chemical agents and civil protection, livestock and the environment during the terrorist attacks with chemical weapons, chemical disasters and some road accidents),
medical (which amounted to provide first aid before the arrival of professional medical services or in areas where these services can not reach),
Exploration (consisting of locating and extracting people from collapsed buildings during construction disasters, earthquakes, etc..)
X-ray (which amounted to civil protection, livestock and the environment against ionizing radiation),
water (which amounted to perform all necessary action on the water, and beneath the surface in the area of all inland waterways and port rewirach units),
Originally the fire department (fire) called branch specializing mainly in fighting fires.With the development of this formation followed the extension of its obligations in coping with other natural disasters.
The oldest known branch specialized in fire fighting were Roman Vigiles, organized in 6 AD by the emperor Augustus. Modrzewski first developed the principles of modern firefighting. The first professional fire department in Poland established February 5, 1752 in Ostrow Wielkopolski Crown Marshal Franciszek Bielinski. In 1805 there was a fire in Wolborz group.
Issue of common knowledge about the history and development of firefighters involved in firefighting museum.
Fire is the patron Saint. Florian, and therefore in its on 4 May is celebrated in Poland Day firefighter. Since 1999, it is also the International Day for the Fireman.
The fire service in many countries, including EU (European Union), Canada, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, USA, based organization acts as the guardian of professional (in Poland, the Fire Brigade and Military Fire Brigade) and social Guard (Poland Volunteer Fire Department).
Fire,fire brigadeformerly- an organizedformationdealing with theprevention andfight againstfiresand otherdangers(otherthan acrime)for healthand human life,livelihoodsand the environment.The tasks of thefire departmentshould alsoremovethe effects of naturaldisasters andcatastrophes.
Forspecial tasksperformed byfire departmentrescueshould be:
biological (which amounted toneutralizeinfectious agentsand the protectionof people andlivestockduringa terrorist attackusingbiological weapons),
chemicals (which amounted toneutralizethe chemical agentsand civil protection, livestock and theenvironmentduring theterrorist attackswith chemical weapons,chemicaldisastersand someroadaccidents),
medical (which amounted toprovidefirst aidbefore the arrivalof professionalmedical servicesorin areas wherethese servicescan notreach),
Exploration(consisting oflocating andextractingpeople fromcollapsedbuildingsduringconstructiondisasters, earthquakes, etc..)
X-ray(which amounted tocivil protection, livestock and theenvironmentagainst ionizing radiation),
water(which amounted toperform allnecessary actionon the water, andbeneath the surfacein the area ofall inland waterwaysandportrewirachunits),