1. Infeksi subklinis (tanpa gejala atau gejala berlangsung selama kurang dari 72 jam) - demam ringan - sakit kepala - tidak enak badan - nyeri tenggorokan - tenggorokan tampak merah - muntah.
2. Poliomielitis non-paralitik (gejala berlangsung selama 1-2 minggu) - demam sedang - sakit kepala - kaku kuduk - muntah - diare - kelelahan yang luar biasa - rewel - nyeri atau kaku punggung, lengan, tungkai, perut - kejang dan nyeri otot - nyeri leher - nyeri leher bagian depan - kaku kuduk - nyeri punggung - nyeri tungkai (otot betis) - ruam kulit atau luka di kulit yang terasa nyeri - kekakuan otot.
3. Poliomielitis paralitik - demam timbul 5-7 hari sebelum gejala lainnya - sakit kepala - kaku kuduk dan punggung - kelemahan otot asimetrik - onsetnya cepat - segera berkembang menjadi kelumpuhan - lokasinya tergantung kepada bagian korda spinalis yang terkena - perasaan ganjil/aneh di daerah yang terkena (seperti tertusuk jarum) - peka terhadap sentuhan (sentuhan ringan bisa menimbulkan nyeri) - sulit untuk memulai proses berkemih - sembelit - perut kembung - gangguan menelan - nyeri otot - kejang otot, terutama otot betis, leher atau punggung - ngiler - gangguan pernafasan - rewel atau tidak dapat mengendalikan emosi - refleks Babinski positif.
terjemahkan !!!
1. Infection subclinical (asymptomatic or symptoms last for less than 72 hours) - Mild fever - Headache - Unwell - Sore throat - Throat looks red - Vomiting.
2. Non-Paralytic Poliomyelitis (symptoms lasting for 1-2 weeks) - Moderate fever - Headache - A stiff neck - vomiting - diarrhea - Incredible fatigue - fussy - Pain or stiff back, arms, legs, stomach - Spasms and muscle pain - Neck pain - The front of the neck pain - A stiff neck- Back pain - Leg pain (calf muscle) - Skin rashes or sores on the skin that feels pain - Muscle stiffness.
3. Paralytic Poliomyelitis - Fever 5-7 days before symptoms arise more - Headache - A stiff neck and back - Asymmetric muscle weakness - Rapid onset - Soon developed into paralysis - The location depends on the affected part of the spinal cord - Feeling odd / strange in the affected area (such as needles) - Sensitive to touch (a light touch can cause pain) - Difficult to start the process of urination - constipation - Flatulence - Swallowing disorders - Muscle pain - Muscle spasms, especially the calf muscles, neck or back - drool - Respiratory disorders - Fussy or can not control their emotions - Positive Babinski reflex.
gitu kan ya satu lagi ? :D , ya tadi ma tidak sama kali ...
Reza81. Infection subclinical (asymptomatic or symptoms last for less than 72 hours) - Mild fever - Headache - Unwell - Sore throat - Throat looks red - Vomiting.
2. Non-Paralytic Poliomyelitis (symptoms lasting for 1-2 weeks) - Moderate fever - Headache - A stiff neck - vomiting - diarrhea - Incredible fatigue - fussy - Pain or stiff back, arms, legs, stomach - Spasms and muscle pain - Neck pain - The front of the neck pain - A stiff neck- Back pain - Leg pain (calf muscle) - Skin rashes or sores on the skin that feels pain - Muscle stiffness.
3. Paralytic Poliomyelitis - Fever 5-7 days before symptoms arise more - Headache - A stiff neck and back - Asymmetric muscle weakness - Rapid onset - Soon developed into paralysis - The location depends on the affected part of the spinal cord - Feeling odd / strange in the affected area (such as needles) - Sensitive to touch (a light touch can cause pain) - Difficult to start the process of urination - constipation - Flatulence - Swallowing disorders - Muscle pain - Muscle spasms, especially the calf muscles, neck or back - drool - Respiratory disorders - Fussy or can not control their emotions - Positive Babinski reflex.
- Mild fever
- Headache
- Unwell
- Sore throat
- Throat looks red
- Vomiting.
2. Non-Paralytic Poliomyelitis (symptoms lasting for 1-2 weeks)
- Moderate fever
- Headache
- A stiff neck
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- Incredible fatigue
- fussy
- Pain or stiff back, arms, legs, stomach
- Spasms and muscle pain
- Neck pain
- The front of the neck pain
- A stiff neck- Back pain
- Leg pain (calf muscle)
- Skin rashes or sores on the skin that feels pain
- Muscle stiffness.
3. Paralytic Poliomyelitis
- Fever 5-7 days before symptoms arise more
- Headache
- A stiff neck and back
- Asymmetric muscle weakness
- Rapid onset
- Soon developed into paralysis
- The location depends on the affected part of the spinal cord
- Feeling odd / strange in the affected area (such as needles)
- Sensitive to touch (a light touch can cause pain)
- Difficult to start the process of urination
- constipation
- Flatulence
- Swallowing disorders
- Muscle pain
- Muscle spasms, especially the calf muscles, neck or back
- drool
- Respiratory disorders
- Fussy or can not control their emotions
- Positive Babinski reflex.
#sudah hasil semuanya ko
#semoga manfaat ya :D
- Mild fever
- Headache
- Unwell
- Sore throat
- Throat looks red
- Vomiting.
2. Non-Paralytic Poliomyelitis (symptoms lasting for 1-2 weeks)
- Moderate fever
- Headache
- A stiff neck
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- Incredible fatigue
- fussy
- Pain or stiff back, arms, legs, stomach
- Spasms and muscle pain
- Neck pain
- The front of the neck pain
- A stiff neck- Back pain
- Leg pain (calf muscle)
- Skin rashes or sores on the skin that feels pain
- Muscle stiffness.
3. Paralytic Poliomyelitis
- Fever 5-7 days before symptoms arise more
- Headache
- A stiff neck and back
- Asymmetric muscle weakness
- Rapid onset
- Soon developed into paralysis
- The location depends on the affected part of the spinal cord
- Feeling odd / strange in the affected area (such as needles)
- Sensitive to touch (a light touch can cause pain)
- Difficult to start the process of urination
- constipation
- Flatulence
- Swallowing disorders
- Muscle pain
- Muscle spasms, especially the calf muscles, neck or back
- drool
- Respiratory disorders
- Fussy or can not control their emotions
- Positive Babinski reflex.
#sudah hasil semuanya ko
#semoga manfaat ya :D