October 2018 1 52 Report
Analyze the sentence below and correct it if necessary using PRESENT TENSE or PAST TENSE

Example: 1. I does not want to come to your house
I do not want to come to your house

1. We do hungry.
2. He are study in his room yesterday.
3. Sisca and Albert are not walk at the side of the beach.
4. My family and I always am eat chicken pizza every Sunday.
5. She sell computers in her uncle’s store every week.
6. Robert buy a new laptop with my sister.
7. They are not make a website but they make a game last week.
8. She do not stores her data in the computer.
9. He is join international DOTA competition this morning.
10. I does not takes the lesson on HTML programming.
11. We doesn’t go to IT conference last month.
12. Web designers manages the web.
13. Rina was works as IT support two years ago.
14.He gived me a present on my birthday party last week.
15.He don’t sent the email yesterday because he is sick.

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