October 2018 1 12 Report

1.Odpowiedz krótko na pytania, używając nobody, nothing lub nowhere. Następnie napisz pełne odpowiedzi na te same pytania, używając anybody, anything lub anywhere.


What does she want?


She doesn't want anything.

1. Where are they going?



2. What are you going to buy?



3. Who did she see in the house?



2.Wstaw a, an lub the w odpowiednie miejsce w zdaniach.


Where’s post office?

Where’s the post office?

1Mark went to Alps last month.


2I bought new car last month.


3My father’s Porsche is fastest car I have ever driven.


4Can you play guitar?


5I will see you in evening.


6I saw lovely jacket but it was too small.


7It’s best book I have ever read.


8I’m going to United States on business next week.


3.Wpisz w luki a/an, the lub (brak rodzajnika).


He works in a bank for eight hours a day.

1What do you usually have for ___ breakfast?

2He’s staying at ___ Ritz Hotel.

3Sandy is ___ actor.

4The book is about a plane crash at ___ Sahara Desert.

5I sometimes go to school by ___ taxi.

6___ guinea pigs are friendly animals.

7It was three o’clock in ___ morning when the phone rang.

4.Uzupełnij fragment z pamiętnika odpowiednimi zaimkami z ramki.

Dwa zaimki zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują so żadnej luki.

anything anywhere anybody everything everywhere everybody
nothing nowhere nobody somethingsomewhere somebody

Friday, 9th October
I feel awful today. I hate being ill! I’d like to go somewhere , but I must
stay in bed. I’d like to eat ¹______, but it seems I’ve lost my appetite … And there is 2________________ tasty in the fridge. My mum hasn’t even bought me a yoghurt, although she knows this is the only food I eat when I’m ill. There are only sausages and bread! Yuk! And dirty plates and mugs 3________________. It seems
4_____________ has forgotten about me and I can’t do 5________________ about it. Even my mobile phone doesn’t work (in case somebody wanted to text me – I don’t think so!). Well, 6________________ knocked at the door, but I simply didn’t open. And then I realised it was Mark with all the books and copybooks I wanted … Stupid me! He won’t come any more. There is a party today, so they won’t come for sure. 7________________ will come. They will go to the party and have a good time,
and I won’t go 8________________. I really feel depressed and isolated and 9________________ gets on my nerves – the sound of the clock, smells, street noises … Even writing irritates me, it is so time consuming … I’d better stop and watch some television.

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Life Enjoy

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