September 2018 1 17 Report
Complete each sentence with a/an or the, or leave the space blank.

1. Thats ..the.. last time that I go to ..a.. horror film
2. In ...... circumstances I would say he hasn't ..... chance.
3. I'd like to buy ...... piano ....... one day but I havent go ........ money.
4. Could you give me ...... hand to take ...... rubbish downstairs?
5. ...... girl I told you about is ..... one on ..... left
6. ......... address is: ....... Park Hotel, 42 ...... Castle Road, ....... Dover.
7. Mary spent ....... year and ...... half teaching ...... children in ..... África.
8. ........ medicine ...... doctor gave me makes me feel tired all ...... day.
9. Dawson put ...... ball in ...... net early in ....... second half but ...... goal was disallowed.
10. ...... teacher with ...... best exam results in ........ school was Mrs Anderson.

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