Complete the sentences with the words from the box. There are more words than you need.
part-time job work pay rise full-time job vacancies unemployed CV lower case job upper case
1It’s one of our best workers. I think we should give him a/an _______________ . Maybe $100 more every month?
2It’s only a/an __________________________ because I study too.
3But remember, the address is Everything is in _______________ .
4Not now! I have a lot of _______________ to do.
5We’re really sorry but there are no _______________ . You can try in the shop next door.
6Could you send us your _______________ in English by 1 June, please?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. pay rise
2.part-time job
3. lower case
4. work
5. vacancies
6. CV
1 pay rise
2 part- time
4 work
6 CV