Amerykańska organizacja szuka młodych ludzi chętnych do podjęcia pracy na obozie młodzieżowym w USA podczas wakacji. Napisz list do organizatorów obozu w którym: -poinformujesz skąd i kiedy dowiedziałeś się o tej ofercie -napiszesz, jakie dwa rodzaje pracy chciałbyś wykonywać -podasz jakie masz doświadczenie i umiejętności - poprosisz o przesłanie dodatkowych informacji o warunkach zakwaterowania i wyżywienia
I am writing in response to your advertisement which appeared in ,,gazeta wyborcza" on 09.07.07r. I would be very grateful if you could send me some detailed information about the holiday work. I would like to work with young people and help them ??? I worked three years in public scholl where I had great relations with young people and I was baby sitter for five years. I can speak with young people about their problems.
I ask for the ancillary information about accommodating and feeding.
I would be very grateful if you could send me some detailed information about the holiday work.
I would like to work with young people and help them ???
I worked three years in public scholl where I had great relations with young people and I was baby sitter for five years.
I can speak with young people about their problems.
I ask for the ancillary information about accommodating and feeding.