3.Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź. 0 Are /Is we from the USA? 1 Are / Is you from Russia? 2 Is / Am I from China? 3 Are the woman / women from the UK? 4 He is / Is he from Australia? 5 Are / Am they from Greece? .Połącz zdania 1-5 ze zdaniami A-E. 0 Have you got a dog? __F__ 1 Are you from France? _____ 2 Is he from France? _____ 3 Have you got a computer? _____ 4 Have your mum and dad got a dog? _____ 5 Are your mum and dad from Poland? _____ A) Yes, he is. B) No, I am from Italy. C) No, I haven’t. D) No, they are from Great Britain. E) Yes, they have. F) No, we haven’t. Wpisz brakujące wyrazy pierwsze litery zostaly podane. 1. She was b________ in a small village in the mountains. 2. She spent her c________ in France where her parebts worked. 3. She accepted him and they got m_________ two months later. 4. Her marriage wasn't a happy one so she finally d_________her husband. 5.When she died at the age of 79, a lot of her friends came to the f_________.
0 Are we from the USA? 1 Are you from Russia? 2 Am I from China? 3 Are the woman from the UK? 4 Is he from Australia? 5 Are they from Greece?