ALGUIEN QUE ME PUEDA TRADUCIR ESTO EN INGLES SIN TRADUCTOR DE GOOGLE POR FAVOR : Mi rutina de lunes a viernes es Me levanto a las 5:30 de la mañana , me doy un baño y me pongo el uniforme ,luego voy al cuarto de abajo para tomar el desayuno ,luego de terminar de tomar el desayuno me lavo los dientes y espero a que mis hermanos estén listos para irnos a la escuela , espero al autobús que me lleva hasta la escuela , luego de la escuela regreso a mi casa mi casa golpe de 3:30 , saludo a mis padres , me doy un baño y espero a que me sirvan el almuerzo, para luego cepillarme los dientes ,despues bajo hacer mi tarea y las se terminar golpe de 07:00 , para poder alistar mis cosas del día siguiente , suelo ver televisión o estar en Internet y se ir a la cama a las 09:00 pm para levantarme temprano y no tener mucho sueño
My routine is Monday to Friday I get up at 5:30 in the morning, I take a bath and put on my uniform, then I go downstairs to eat breakfast, then finished eating breakfast brush my teeth and waited for my brothers they are ready to go to school, hope the bus that takes me to school, after school I go home coup 3:30, greeting my parents, I take a bath and I hope to serve me lunch and then brush my teeth, do my homework after low do my homework blow the 07:00 is finished, to enlist my things the next day, I usually watch television or be on the Internet and go to bed at 09:00 pm to get up early and not having much sleep.
I get up at 5:30 in the morning, I take a bath and put on my uniform, then I go downstairs to eat breakfast, then finished eating breakfast brush my teeth and waited for my brothers they are ready to go to school, hope the bus that takes me to school, after school I go home coup 3:30, greeting my parents, I take a bath and I hope to serve me lunch and then brush my teeth, do my homework after low do my homework blow the 07:00 is finished, to enlist my things the next day, I usually watch television or be on the Internet and go to bed at 09:00 pm to get up early and not having much sleep.
Espero haberte ayudado