October 2023 1 16 Report
Alex: So, Angela, you ______A. (GO) to the zoo last week. Did you have a good time?
Angela: yes, we _______B.(HAVE) a great day. I ________C. (TAKE) my little sister Maria – it was her birthday. First we went to the aquarium because Maria
loves dolphins.
Alex: Really? And how many dolphins did you see?
Angela: oh, there were about six or seven, quiet a lot. I ________D. (WANT) to see a blue whale, but there weren´t any whales at all. I suppose they are too
big. But there ______ E. (to be) some sharks – just small ones, with big teth.
Alex: so what did you see after the aquarium?
Angela: well, then we had lunch. And after we went to see the “big cats” – the lions and the tigers. They were great!
Alex: lions and tigers! Hmm. And how many other animals did you see?
Angela: Um, we _________F. (SEE) some bears – three or four bears, I think. Maria _______ G. (LOVE) them. But she wanted to see some elephants too,
and we couldn´t see them at all – I think they were sleeping. There weren´t any camels either, or giraffes, but we really ______ H. (ENJOY) our day.

Life Enjoy

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