Aku mempunyai seorang sepupu. Dia adalah seorang laki-laki. Namanya adalah Azka. Dia berumur 5 tahun. Azka memiliki kulit putih. Rambutnya lurus dan berwarna hitam. Dia memiliki mata bulat dan bulu mata yang lentik. Azka juga memiliki wajah yang imut. Hidungnya sedikit mancung. Lesung pipinya akan terlihat jika dia tersenyum.
kakak² yang pinter bhs Inggris, tolong dong bantu terjemahin :)
I have a cousin. He is a male. His name is Azka. He is 5 years old. Azka has fair skin. His hair is straight and black. He has round eyes and curly lashes. Azka also has a cute face. His nose is slightly pointed. His dimples will show when he smiles.
I have a cousin, his name is Azka. He is a five years old boy. Azka has a fair skin, a straight black hair and a pair of round eyes with long lashes. He has a cute face and his nose is a little bit pointy. His dimples will be seen whenever he smiles.
I have a cousin. He is a male. His name is Azka. He is 5 years old. Azka has fair skin. His hair is straight and black. He has round eyes and curly lashes. Azka also has a cute face. His nose is slightly pointed. His dimples will show when he smiles.
I have a cousin, his name is Azka. He is a five years old boy. Azka has a fair skin, a straight black hair and a pair of round eyes with long lashes. He has a cute face and his nose is a little bit pointy. His dimples will be seen whenever he smiles.