Aku ada tugas buat pidato yang bertemakan" sekolahku kawasan anti korupsi" itu dibuat dalam bahasa inggris yaa,dan tolong bacaan nya yg bener soalnya inituu buat lombaa oke kalo bisa pidatonya itu singkat,padat,jelas dan diusahakn ditengahnya terdapat undang" tntng korupsi
hello ladies gentelman and students we are here to talk abou t our anti greed dont be corrupt because greed will consume you and that greed will soon turn into envy great money comes with its own responsibilytis too such as not abusing the money and doing whatever you want with it the best thing to do is too donate and or save for the future this comes that we are going too stop this circle of corrupton and envy this concludes my speech
hello ladies gentelman and students we are here to talk abou t our anti greed dont be corrupt because greed will consume you and that greed will soon turn into envy great money comes with its own responsibilytis too such as not abusing the money and doing whatever you want with it the best thing to do is too donate and or save for the future this comes that we are going too stop this circle of corrupton and envy this concludes my speech