Affcet lucky wave engine collect coth salar resue seagull weight wreck napisać zdania z tymi słówkami z twierdzeniami some, any ,no
1. There were no many changes on the area affected by the hurricane. 2. Some lucky guys won a lottery yestarday. 3. There were no waves on the ocean. 4. Any engine doesn't cost much. 5. I haven't got any ideas what i can collect. 6. (nie wiem co to za słowo coth, musiałes/as zrobic błąd w pisowni, może cot?) There was no cot in the children's room. 7. nie mam pojęcia 8. There were some rescue workers on a cost. 9. Are there any seagulls near the see? 10. She doesn't weight so much any more. 11. Some bad people wrecked his career
2. Some lucky guys won a lottery yestarday.
3. There were no waves on the ocean.
4. Any engine doesn't cost much.
5. I haven't got any ideas what i can collect.
6. (nie wiem co to za słowo coth, musiałes/as zrobic błąd w pisowni, może cot?) There was no cot in the children's room.
7. nie mam pojęcia
8. There were some rescue workers on a cost.
9. Are there any seagulls near the see?
10. She doesn't weight so much any more.
11. Some bad people wrecked his career