Advertising is an important part of life in the 21st century, but is this good or bad? [Iklan merupakan bagian penting dari kehidupan di abad ke-21, tapi apakah ini baik atau buruk?]
Write a letter to your local newspaper giving your views about the topic. [Tulis sebuah surat kepada surat kabar lokalmu memberikan pandanganm tentang topik tsb.]
'Adverts help us to choose what to buy, so what's wrong with that?' ['Iklan membantu kita untuk memilih apa yang harus dibeli. Jadi apa yang salah dengan hal itu?]
'I think advertisements in the media help to make the news more interesting! ['Saya pikir iklan di media membantu untuk membuat berita menjadi lebih menarik!']
'Nobody really believes what adverts tell us.' ['Tidak ada yang benar-benar percaya apa yang iklan katakan pada kita.
'The problem with adverts is that they encourage us to buy things that we don't really need, and which we probably can't afford.' [Masalah dengan iklan adalah bahwa mereka mendorong kita untuk membeli hal-hal yang kita tidak benar-benar butuhkan, dan yang mungkin tidak kita mampu.']
Your letter should be between 150 and 200 words long. [Suratmu harus antara 150 dan 200 kata.]
The comments above may give you some ideas but you are free to use any ideas of your own. [Komentar-komentar di atas mungkin memberimu beberapa ide tetapi kamu bebas menggunakan idemu sendiri.]
an advertisement is one think that easy to find. you'll find it in your television or your phone, your gedget, on the bus etc. but sometimes it make us distrub because sometimes it comes to much. further more, now days there are many TV showing a shopping programs. it's such as tren bythway.
advertisement have good effects and bad effects. the goodies you have know more about some brand. it helps you to know the quality of the brand. so that you can get easier to chose better. and also you can get an absolute price. but how about the baddest, the adv makes waste your money. the adjective makes you want to buy this and that. watch out girls, be careful with your pocket. but don't worry it up to ourselves to choose the good think to buy. so, even have baddest the advertisement help us to shop. it's up to yourself to trust the advertisement or not.
an advertisement is one think that easy to find. you'll find it in your television or your phone, your gedget, on the bus etc. but sometimes it make us distrub because sometimes it comes to much. further more, now days there are many TV showing a shopping programs. it's such as tren bythway.
advertisement have good effects and bad effects. the goodies you have know more about some brand. it helps you to know the quality of the brand. so that you can get easier to chose better. and also you can get an absolute price.
but how about the baddest, the adv makes waste your money. the adjective makes you want to buy this and that. watch out girls, be careful with your pocket. but don't worry it up to ourselves to choose the good think to buy.
so, even have baddest the advertisement help us to shop. it's up to yourself to trust the advertisement or not.