Add on earth to these sentences to make them stronger.? NIE MACIE TEGO TŁUMACZYC!!!! TO JEST POLECENIE!!! (dla tych c... co nie wiedza i twierdza ze nie ma polecenia!!!!(trzeba uzyc on eatrh w tych zdaniach tak jak w pierwszym przykladzie a jak nie wiecie sie wgl do tego nie zabierac) I GDZIE TU PISALO PRZETLUMACZ NO GDZIE?!?!?!?!?!?!????!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. What are you doing? what on earth are you doing?
2. where are you doing? --------------------------- 3.what is the name of that star? ----------------------------- 4.who"s going to belive them? ----------------------------- 5.why did she say that? ---------------------------- 6.what are we going to do now? -----------------------------
2.Where on earth are you doing? 3. What on earth is the name of that star? 4. Who's on earth is going to believe them? 5. Why on earth did she say that? 6. What on earth are we going to do now?
3. What on earth is the name of that star?
4. Who's on earth is going to believe them?
5. Why on earth did she say that?
6. What on earth are we going to do now?