Ada yang bisa nge bahasain inggris ga, tapi jangan goole translete The effect of decreasing rupiah
I am personally think that memburuknya ekonomi di Negara Indonesia akan berdampak pada melemahnya kurs rupiah terhadap kurs dolar. Baru-baru ini Indonesia sudah menginjak angka Rp 13.000 per dolar amerika. Sejak 5 tahun terakhir kurs rupiah terus saja melemah dari tahun 2010 sampai 2015. Dalam permasalahan ini pemerintah harus mengambil kebijakan yang bijak serta cekatan dalam mengambil keputusan, jika hal ini tidak segera di atasi maka akan menimbul masalah. melemahnya kurs rupiah juka akan mengakibatkan melemahnya sector-sektor lainnya baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, hal ini lah yang menyebabkan masalah masalah baru yang akan timbul ke permukaan. Masalah yang pertama akan timbul adalah pada perdagangan antar Negara lain, jika nilai ekspor Negara kita mengikuti dengan kurs dolar maka akan berdampak pada menurunya defisa Negara, terlebih jika saat Negara mengimport produk dari luar maka akan menurunya jumlah barang yang akan di import, hal ini akan berdampak pada tidak tercukupinya barang kebutuhan Sector yang langsung terkait adalah pada sector perdagangan, seperti yang dijelaskan argument di atas, melemahnya kurs rupah terhadap dolar secara tidak langung Negara yang terkait mau tidak mau harus memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri itu sendiri. Apabila kurs rupiah terhadap dolar makin melemah dan tidak diimbangi dengan pemenuhan kebutuhan dalam negara itu sendiri, maka Negara kit mau tidak mau harus mengimport produk dari luar dengan harga yang tinggi, sesampainya di Negara kita maka harga akan melambung tinggi, ini akan mengakibatkan masalah-masalah lain seperti meningkatnya kriminalisme, masalah social bahkan masalah kesehatan. Dari argument diatas seharusya pemerintah harus jeli dan cekatan dalam mengambil keputusan seperti memperbaiaki neraca perdagangan eksport dan import untuk menstabilkan kurs rupiah terhadap dolar, agar tidak timbul masalah baru yang akan menjadi beban tambahan bagi pemerintah
I am personally think that the worsening economic conditions in the State Indonesia will have an impact on the depreciation of the rupiah against the dollar. Indonesia has recently been stepped rate of Rp 13,000 per US dollar. Since the last 5 years the exchange rate continued to weaken from 2010 to 2015. In this issue the government must take prudent policies and deft in making decisions, if this is not immediately solved it will be causing any problems. Juka weakening rupiah exchange rate will lead to the weakening of other sectors either directly or indirectly, this is what causes the problems of new problems that will arise to the surface. The first problem will arise is on trade among other countries, if the export value of our country followed by the dollar exchange rate will have an impact on the decrease of defisa State, especially if the current State of import products from outside it will decline in the number of goods to be imported, it will impact on the insufficiency goods Sector is directly related to the trade sector, as described above arguments, the weakening of the exchange rate against the dollar rupah it indirectly related State must inevitably meet domestic demand itself. If the exchange rate against the dollar weakened and not matched by the fulfillment of the needs in the country itself, the State of the kit would not want to import products from outside with a high price, when he got in our country then the price will soar, this will lead to problems such as increasing kriminalisme, social issues and even health problems. From the above argument seharusya government must be observant and nimble in making decisions such as memperbaiaki trade balance of exports and imports to stabilize the rupiah exchange rate against the dollar, so that no new problems arise which would be an additional burden for the government
I am personally think that the worsening economic conditions in the State Indonesia will have an impact on the depreciation of the rupiah against the dollar. Indonesia has recently been stepped rate of Rp 13,000 per US dollar. Since the last 5 years the exchange rate continued to weaken from 2010 to 2015. In this issue the government must take prudent policies and deft in making decisions, if this is not immediately solved it will be causing any problems. Juka weakening rupiah exchange rate will lead to the weakening of other sectors either directly or indirectly, this is what causes the problems of new problems that will arise to the surface.
The first problem will arise is on trade among other countries, if the export value of our country followed by the dollar exchange rate will have an impact on the decrease of defisa State, especially if the current State of import products from outside it will decline in the number of goods to be imported, it will impact on the insufficiency goods
Sector is directly related to the trade sector, as described above arguments, the weakening of the exchange rate against the dollar rupah it indirectly related State must inevitably meet domestic demand itself.
If the exchange rate against the dollar weakened and not matched by the fulfillment of the needs in the country itself, the State of the kit would not want to import products from outside with a high price, when he got in our country then the price will soar, this will lead to problems such as increasing kriminalisme, social issues and even health problems.
From the above argument seharusya government must be observant and nimble in making decisions such as memperbaiaki trade balance of exports and imports to stabilize the rupiah exchange rate against the dollar, so that no new problems arise which would be an additional burden for the government