Ada yang bisa buatin speech tentang hak untuk hidup ngak ??
hirukiazanaAssalamualaikum wr.wb Dear Principal of SMP N 1 Magelang Dear Mr. Mrs. teachers I love my friends grade 7 and grade my class brothers 8 and 9 On this occasion the first - Tamna let us pray worship and gratitude to Allah . who has given grace , Taufik , and hidayahnya to us , so that we can gather here with no hindrance whatsoever and with a healthy walfiat . Ladies and Gentlemen Let me stand here to deliver a speech about respecting human rights Saudra Dear sisters , Humans are creatures of Almighty God , a personal being , and social beings . All these circumstances , either as a creature of God , personal and social beings , human rights awarded . Rights that exist in man comes from God Almighty . The Rights called rights . Saudra Dear sisters , According to nature , human beings are creatures of God who has the highest degree compared with the other creatures of God's creation . Humans equipped with various advantages and capabilities that form the basis for his own life sense / creativity, taste and intention . With these basic skills , people should be able to coexist with each other , instead of depriving another person each .
Saudra Dear sisters , We are all aware to realize that God is the Creator , who created everything , including our lives . Every human being individually given life and livelihood . No one can take it . Therefore , life is a basic right of human beings from birth Saudra Dear sisters , According to Article 1 Paragraph ( 1 ) of Law no. 39 Year 1999 on Human Rights , human rights are a set of rights attached to nature and human existence as a creature of God Almighty . Rights is His grace that must be respected , upheld and protected by the state , law , government , and everyone for the honor and the protection of human dignity . Ladies and Gentlemen , So a few words that I can say , thank you for your attention ladies and gentlemen , and if there are advantages and disadvantages in a speech delivered this speech I apologize . Wassalamualaikum wr.wb
Dear Principal of SMP N 1 Magelang
Dear Mr. Mrs. teachers
I love my friends grade 7 and grade my class brothers 8 and 9
On this occasion the first - Tamna let us pray worship and gratitude to Allah . who has given grace , Taufik , and hidayahnya to us , so that we can gather here with no hindrance whatsoever and with a healthy walfiat .
Ladies and Gentlemen
Let me stand here to deliver a speech about respecting human rights
Saudra Dear sisters ,
Humans are creatures of Almighty God , a personal being , and social beings . All these circumstances , either as a creature of God , personal and social beings , human rights awarded . Rights that exist in man comes from God Almighty . The Rights called rights .
Saudra Dear sisters ,
According to nature , human beings are creatures of God who has the highest degree compared with the other creatures of God's creation . Humans equipped with various advantages and capabilities that form the basis for his own life sense / creativity, taste and intention . With these basic skills , people should be able to coexist with each other , instead of depriving another person each .
Saudra Dear sisters ,
We are all aware to realize that God is the Creator , who created everything , including our lives . Every human being individually given life and livelihood . No one can take it . Therefore , life is a basic right of human beings from birth
Saudra Dear sisters ,
According to Article 1 Paragraph ( 1 ) of Law no. 39 Year 1999 on Human Rights , human rights are a set of rights attached to nature and human existence as a creature of God Almighty . Rights is His grace that must be respected , upheld and protected by the state , law , government , and everyone for the honor and the protection of human dignity .
Ladies and Gentlemen ,
So a few words that I can say , thank you for your attention ladies and gentlemen , and if there are advantages and disadvantages in a speech delivered this speech I apologize .
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb