Read the factfile. Put the words in the correct order to from questions, then answer them.
Ricky Martin, 24/12/1971, San Juan, Puerto Rico
1977 - stars singing
1984 - joins the band Menudo
1990 - moves to New York
1991 - releases first album
1994 - stars in General Hospital
1999 - releases first English pop album Ricky Martin
1. in Spain/was/Ricky Martin/born?
2. start/1977/did/in/ he/singing
3. he/1990/did/join/in/Menudo?
4. 1990/did/New York/to/in/he/move?
5. General Hospital/did/he/in/act?
mam takie zadanie i zupełnie nie wiem o co kaman, ale chyba trzeba napisać biografie na podstawie tego wyżej
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Trzeba ułożyc wyrazy w odpowiedniej kolejności aby utworzyć pytania a potem na nie odpowiedzieć ;)
1. Was Ricky Martin born in Spain?
No, he wasn't. He was born in Puerto Rico.
2. Did he start singing in 1977?
Yes, he did.
3. Did he join Menudo in 1990?
No, he didn't. He joined Menudo in 1984.
4. Did he move to New York in 1990?
Yes, he did.
5. Did he act in General Hospital?
Yes, he did. He acted in General Hospital in 1994.
trzeba przczytac te infromacje,ułożyc wyrazy w odpowiednią kolejnośc aby powstały pytania i odpowiedziec na nie;)
1. Was Ricky born in Spain?
No, he wasn't. He was born in Puerto Rico.
2. Did he start singing in 1977?
Yes, he did.
3. Did he join Menudo in 1990?
No, he didn't. He joined Menudo in 1984.
4. Did he move to New York in 1990?
Yes, he did.
5. Did he act in General Hospital?
Yes, he did. He acted in General Hospital in 1994.