Tornado's wrath ruined the city tornado that occurred in russia moscow city yesterday has devastated the whole town in a matter of hours. The storm that occurred during the 39 minutes it has swept at least 49 buildings, four important buildings and swallowed dozens of casualties.
The storm that occurred this time worse than the worst storm ever recorded occurred in moscow since 1973, it can be said that this storm is the worst storm that ever occurred in moscow for 100 years.
To respond to this disaster, the local response agencies have been exerting all his strength to help evacuate victims of the storm. Although the weather has not improved but aid has been channeled to the victims. Not only from the Russian government, but in the form of material aid has been granted by various countries as an expression of their concern. mohon bantuan menganalisis kaidah kebahasaannya yaitu: Short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline. 2. Uses of material processes/action verb to retell the event. 3. Use of projecting Verbal Processes in “Source’’ stage. 4. Focus on circumstances
tornado that occurred in russia moscow city yesterday has devastated the whole town in a matter of hours. The storm that occurred during the 39 minutes it has swept at least 49 buildings, four important buildings and swallowed dozens of casualties.
The storm that occurred this time worse than the worst storm ever recorded occurred in moscow since 1973, it can be said that this storm is the worst storm that ever occurred in moscow for 100 years.
To respond to this disaster, the local response agencies have been exerting all his strength to help evacuate victims of the storm. Although the weather has not improved but aid has been channeled to the victims. Not only from the Russian government, but in the form of material aid has been granted by various countries as an expression of their concern.
mohon bantuan menganalisis kaidah kebahasaannya yaitu:
Short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline.
2. Uses of material processes/action verb to retell the event.
3. Use of projecting Verbal Processes in “Source’’ stage.
4. Focus on circumstances
Kemarahan Tornado menghancurkan kota
tornado yang terjadi di kota rusia moscow kemarin telah menghancurkan seluruh kota dalam hitungan jam. Badai yang terjadi selama 39 menit itu telah menyapu setidaknya 49 bangunan, empat bangunan penting dan menelan puluhan korban.
Badai yang terjadi saat ini lebih buruk daripada badai terburuk yang pernah tercatat terjadi di Moskow sejak 1973, dapat dikatakan bahwa badai ini adalah badai terburuk yang pernah terjadi di moscow selama 100 tahun.
Untuk menanggapi bencana ini, badan respon lokal telah mengerahkan semua kekuatannya untuk membantu mengevakuasi korban badai. Meskipun cuaca belum membaik tetapi bantuan telah disalurkan ke para korban. Tidak hanya dari pemerintah Rusia, tetapi dalam bentuk bantuan material telah diberikan oleh berbagai negara sebagai ekspresi keprihatinan mereka.
mohon bantuan analisa kaidah kebahasaannya yaitu:
Informasi singkat, telegraf tentang kisah yang diambil dalam judul.
2. Penggunaan proses material / kata kerja tindakan untuk menceritakan kembali kejadian tersebut.
3. Penggunaan memproyeksikan Proses Verbal di tahap “Sumber”.
Tornado's wrath ruined the city
tornado that occurred in russia moscow city yesterday has devastated the whole town in a matter of hours. The storm that occurred during the 39 minutes it has swept at least 49 buildings, four important buildings and swallowed dozens of casualties.
The storm that occurred this time worse than the worst storm ever recorded occurred in moscow since 1973, it can be said that this storm is the worst storm that ever occurred in moscow for 100 years.
To respond to this disaster, the local response agencies have been exerting all his strength to help evacuate victims of the storm. Although the weather has not improved but aid has been channeled to the victims. Not only from the Russian government, but in the form of material aid has been granted by various countries as an expression of their concern.
mohon bantuan menganalisis kaidah kebahasaannya yaitu:
Short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline.
2. Uses of material processes/action verb to retell the event.
3. Use of projecting Verbal Processes in “Source’’ stage.
4. Focus on circumstances
Kemarahan Tornado menghancurkan kota
tornado yang terjadi di kota rusia moscow kemarin telah menghancurkan seluruh kota dalam hitungan jam. Badai yang terjadi selama 39 menit itu telah menyapu setidaknya 49 bangunan, empat bangunan penting dan menelan puluhan korban.
Badai yang terjadi saat ini lebih buruk daripada badai terburuk yang pernah tercatat terjadi di Moskow sejak 1973, dapat dikatakan bahwa badai ini adalah badai terburuk yang pernah terjadi di moscow selama 100 tahun.
Untuk menanggapi bencana ini, badan respon lokal telah mengerahkan semua kekuatannya untuk membantu mengevakuasi korban badai. Meskipun cuaca belum membaik tetapi bantuan telah disalurkan ke para korban. Tidak hanya dari pemerintah Rusia, tetapi dalam bentuk bantuan material telah diberikan oleh berbagai negara sebagai ekspresi keprihatinan mereka.
mohon bantuan analisa kaidah kebahasaannya yaitu:
Informasi singkat, telegraf tentang kisah yang diambil dalam judul.
2. Penggunaan proses material / kata kerja tindakan untuk menceritakan kembali kejadian tersebut.
3. Penggunaan memproyeksikan Proses Verbal di tahap “Sumber”.
4. Fokus pada situasi
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