Przyjechałeś/-aś do kolegi/koleżanki do Londynu autobusem. Opowiedz mu/jej o: • trasie podróży; • awarii autobusu; • wrażeniach z podróży.
Wracając z zajęć na kursie językowym w Anglii, byłeś/-aś świadkiem wypadku drogowego. Relacjonujesz to zdarzenie swoim gospodarzom. Opowiedz im: • jak doszło do wypadku; • jakie były jego skutki; • kto udzielił pomocy ofiarom wypadku
Z góry dziękuję. :)
1. Hello. The journey was very tiring, so I'm glad, that I've already come.During our tour I had an opportunity to see forests, lakes and sightseeing interesting towns and cities. But we had a terrible breakdown. It was engine failure of the bus.But in spite of that fact the journey was amazing ( except that we were going about two days)/
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The trip was terrible. We travelled over England. First, we stayed in Manchester. Then in Liverpool and finally we were already in London. But in Leeds near Liverpoold we had a crash. One car didn't stop on the lights. He culdn't drive . He drove to fast and he wasn't able to stop! I was so exhousted. The trip was so long. I will no more drive to London by bus . It was horrible.
Yesterday, when I returned from a language course I saw a crash! There were two large cars. A lot of fire. One of them drove too fast and he didn't see the second car. One person died and one hurt. I called police, fire fighters and ambulans. They drove very soon. The Ambulans took them to the hospital. And the police closed the person which made the crash!
First, we stayed in Manchester. Then in Liverpool and finally we were already in London. But in Leeds near Liverpoold we had a crash. One car didn't stop on the lights. He culdn't drive . He drove to fast and he wasn't able to stop! I was so exhousted. The trip was so long. I will no more drive to London by bus . It was horrible.
Yesterday, when I returned from a language course I saw a crash! There were two large cars. A lot of fire. One of them drove too fast and he didn't see the second car. One person died and one hurt. I called police, fire fighters and ambulans. They drove very soon. The Ambulans took them to the hospital. And the police closed the person which made the crash!