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HelloRaphael,recentlyI hada strangesituation, you maynot knowtheCamilleandKrysiaAugustdisputed.Well,it was soKamilwanted togoto themovieandKrysiaHarryJuzNiePoterChailMjakMiłoscgoon.If it was notmeitwould beso terriblythat thequarrelwouldhave goneaway.Completesomedrama.Butseizedthem andtookthem onpizza.Aswith them,I wentto a barthatIdid not know howto repaysoKinderBuenobought meand tookto the cinemaonMiłoscPotera.
Thank you for yourpreviousletter.:)
YesterdayI sawan argument betweenHermenegildaandGenevieve.I could notlet thetwo best friendsrozstałoin such amanner.I immediatelyintervened.Approachedandsolvedthisbickering.They arguedabout wholearnsbetter.Hermenegildathought thathas a betterassessment..GenevieveandthatHermenegildanot consideredin the classroomand hergood gradesare random.Well,I managed tosmooth things over.
Waiting foran answer,Patricia: D
coś takiego?:D